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Annotation Property: rdfs:comment

Usage (112)

  • vf:Action rdfs:comment "An action verb defining the kind of event, commitment, or intent." 
  • vf:AgentRelationship rdfs:comment "An ongoing voluntary association between 2 agents of any kind." 
  • vf:AgentRelationshipRole rdfs:comment "A relationship role defining the kind of association one agent can have with another." 
  • vf:Agreement rdfs:comment "Any type of agreement among economic agents." 
  • vf:Appreciation rdfs:comment "A way to tie an economic event that is given in loose fulfilment for another economic event, without commitments or expectations. Supports the gift economy." 
  • vf:Claim rdfs:comment "A claim for a future economic event(s) in reciprocity for an economic event that already occurred. For example, a claim for payment for goods received." 
  • vf:Commitment rdfs:comment "A planned economic flow that has been promised by an agent to another agent." 
  • vf:EconomicEvent rdfs:comment "An observed economic flow, as opposed to a flow planned to happen in the future. This could reflect a change in the quantity of an economic resource. It is also defined by its behavior in relation to the economic resource (see vf:action)" 
  • vf:EconomicResource rdfs:comment "A resource which is useful to people or the ecosystem." 
  • vf:Fulfillment rdfs:comment "Represents many-to-many relationships between commitments and economic events that fully or partially satisfy one or more commitments." 
  • vf:Intent rdfs:comment "A proposed or planned or estimated economic flow, prior to a commitment or agreement, which can lead to commitments and/or economic events." 
  • vf:Plan rdfs:comment "A logical collection of processes that constitute a body of scheduled work with defined deliverable(s)." 
  • vf:Process rdfs:comment "An activity that changes inputs into outputs. It could transform or transport economic resource(s)." 
  • vf:ProcessSpecification rdfs:comment "Specifies the kind of process." 
  • vf:Proposal rdfs:comment "Published requests or offers, sometimes with what is expected in return." 
  • vf:ProposedIntent rdfs:comment "Represents many-to-many relationships between Proposals and Intents, supporting including intents in multiple proposals, as well as a proposal including multiple intents." 
  • vf:ProposedTo rdfs:comment "An agent to which the proposal is to be published." 
  • vf:RecipeFlow rdfs:comment "The linkage between a process recipe, an action that structures a recipe, and a resource specification." 
  • vf:RecipeProcess rdfs:comment "Specifies the process part of a recipe for use in planning from recipe." 
  • vf:RecipeResource rdfs:comment "Specifies the resource as part of a recipe, for use in planning from recipe." 
  • vf:ResourceSpecification rdfs:comment "Specification of a kind of resource. Could define a material item, service, digital item, currency account, etc." 
  • vf:Satisfaction rdfs:comment "Represents many-to-many relationships between intents and commitments or events that partially or full satisfy one or more intents." 
  • vf:Scenario rdfs:comment "An estimated or analytical logical collection of higher level processes used for budgeting, analysis, plan refinement, etc." 
  • vf:ScenarioDefinition rdfs:comment "The type definition of one or more scenarios." 
  • vf:Settlement rdfs:comment "Represents many-to-many relationships between claim and economic events that uflly or parially settle the one or more claims." 
  • accept rdfs:comment "In processes like repair or modification or testing, the same resource will appear in the output." 
  • 'accounting quantity' rdfs:comment "The current amount and unit of the economic resource for which the agent has primary rights and responsibilities, sometimes thought of as ownership. This can be either stored or derived from economic events affecting the resource." 
  • action rdfs:comment "Relates a process input or output to a verb, such as consume, produce, work, improve, etc." 
  • 'agreed in' rdfs:comment "Reference to an agreement between agents which specifies the rules, terms, policies, calculations, etc. which govern this flow." 
  • 'appreciation of' rdfs:comment "The economic event being appreciated (gift economy)." 
  • 'appreciation with' rdfs:comment "The economic event implemented in appreciation (gift economy)." 
  • 'at location' rdfs:comment "The place where an intent, commitment, or economic event occurs. Usually mappable." 
  • 'available quantity' rdfs:comment "The quantity of the offered resource currently available." 
  • 'based on' rdfs:comment "The recipe definition or standard specification for a process." 
  • cite rdfs:comment "For example a design file, neither used nor consumed, the file remains available at all times." 
  • 'classified as' rdfs:comment "References one or more concepts in a common taxonomy or other classification scheme for purposes of categorization or grouping." 
  • 'clause of' rdfs:comment "This commitment is part of the agreement." 
  • 'conforms to' rdfs:comment "The primary resource knowledge specification or definition of an existing or potential resource." 
  • consume consume rdfs:comment "For example an ingredient or component composed into the output, after the process the ingredient is gone." 
  • 'contained in' rdfs:comment "Used when a stock economic resource contains units also defined as economic resources." 
  • 'current location' 'current location' rdfs:comment "The current place an economic resource is located. Could be at any level of granularity, from a town to an address to a warehouse location. Usually mappable." 
  • decrement decrement rdfs:comment "Parent property for all actions that can decrement a resource." 
  • 'defined as' rdfs:comment "The scenario definition for this scenario, for example yearly budget." 
  • deliver-service rdfs:comment "New service produced and delivered (a service implies that an agent actively receives the service)." 
  • dropoff rdfs:comment "Transported resource or person leaves the process; the same resource or person appeared in the input." 
  • 'effort quantity' rdfs:comment "The amount and unit of the work or use or citation effort-based action. This is often a time duration, but also could be cycle counts or other measures of effort or usefulness." 
  • 'eligible location' rdfs:comment "Location or area where the proposal is valid." 
  • fail rdfs:comment "Possible output of a testing or reviewing process, indicating the resource failed, the same resource will appear in the input." 
  • finished finished rdfs:comment "The commitment or intent or process is complete or not. This is irrespective of if the original goal has been met, and indicates that no more will be done." 
  • 'fulfilled by' rdfs:comment "The economic event which completely or partially fulfills a commitment." 
  • fulfills rdfs:comment "The commitment which is completely or partially fulfilled by an economic event." 
  • hasBeginning hasBeginning rdfs:comment "Specific time marking the exact beginning of flow or process" 
  • hasEnd hasEnd rdfs:comment "Specific time marking the exact end of flow or process" 
  • image rdfs:comment "The uri to an image relevant to the entity, such as a logo, avatar, photo, diagram, etc." 
  • 'in scope of' rdfs:comment "Grouping around something to create a boundary or context, used for documenting, accounting, planning." 
  • increment increment rdfs:comment "Parent property for all actions that can increment a resource." 
  • 'independent demand of' rdfs:comment "Represents a desired deliverable expected from this plan." 
  • 'input of' rdfs:comment "Relates an input flow to it's process." 
  • lot rdfs:comment "Lot or batch of an economic resource, used to track forward or backwards to all occurrences of resources of that lot." 
  • lower lower rdfs:comment "Adjusts a quantity down based on a beginning balance or inventory count." 
  • 'mappable address' 'mappable address' rdfs:comment "A textual address that can be mapped using mapping software." 
  • modify rdfs:comment "In processes like repair or modification, the same resource will appear in the input." 
  • move rdfs:comment "Change location and possibly identifier, if location is part of the identification, of a resource with no change of agent rights or possession." 
  • name rdfs:comment "An informal or formal textual identifier for an object. Does not imply uniqueness." 
  • object rdfs:comment "The object of a relationship between 2 agents. For example, if Mary is a member of a group, then the group is the object." 
  • 'onhand quantity' rdfs:comment "The current amount and unit of the economic resource which is under direct control of the agent. It may be more or less than the accounting quantity. This can be either stored or derived from economic events affecting the resource." 
  • 'output of' rdfs:comment "Relates an output flow to it's process." 
  • pass rdfs:comment "Possible output of a testing or reviewing process, indicating the resource passed, the same resource will appear in the input." 
  • pickup rdfs:comment "Transported resource or person enters the process; the same resource will appear in the output." 
  • 'planned within' rdfs:comment "The process with its inputs and outputs is part of the plan." 
  • 'primary location' rdfs:comment "The main place an agent is located, often an address where activities occur and mail can be sent. This is usually a mappable geographic location. It also could be a website address, as in the case of agents who have no physical location." 
  • 'process classified as' rdfs:comment "References a concept in a common taxonomy or other classification scheme for purposes of categorization or grouping." 
  • 'process conforms to' rdfs:comment "The standard specification or definition of a process." 
  • produce produce rdfs:comment "New resource was created in that process or an existing stock resource was added to." 
  • proposed rdfs:comment "The proposal that is published to a specific agent." 
  • 'proposed to' rdfs:comment "The agent to which the proposal is published." 
  • provider rdfs:comment "The economic agent from whom the intended, committed, or actual economic event is initiated." 
  • 'published in' rdfs:comment "The published proposal which this intent is part of." 
  • publishes rdfs:comment "The intent which is part of this published proposal." 
  • raise raise rdfs:comment "Adjusts a quantity up based on a beginning balance or inventory count." 
  • 'realization of' rdfs:comment "This economic event occurs as part of this agreement." 
  • receiver rdfs:comment "The economic agent whom the intended, committed, or actual economic event is for." 
  • 'recipe flow resource' rdfs:comment "The resource definition referenced by this flow in the recipe." 
  • 'recipe input of' rdfs:comment "Relates an input flow to it's process in a recipe." 
  • 'recipe output of' rdfs:comment "Relates an output flow to it's process in a recipe." 
  • reciprocal rdfs:comment "This is a reciprocal intent of this proposal, not primary. Not meant to be used for intent matching." 
  • 'refinement of' rdfs:comment "This scenario or plan refines another scenario, often as time moves closer or for more detail." 
  • relationship rdfs:comment "The role of an economic relationship that exists between 2 agents, such as member, trading partner." 
  • 'resource classified as' rdfs:comment "References a concept in a common taxonomy or other classification scheme for purposes of categorization or grouping." 
  • 'resource conforms to' rdfs:comment "The primary resource specification or definition of an existing or potential economic resource. A resource will have only one, as this specifies exactly what the resource is. If not a vf:ResourceSpecification, this can be a link to another specification." 
  • 'resource inventoried as' rdfs:comment "Economic resource involved in the flow." 
  • 'resource quantity' rdfs:comment "The amount and unit of the economic resource counted or inventoried." 
  • 'satisfied by' rdfs:comment "A commitment or economic event fully or partially satisfying an intent" 
  • satisfies rdfs:comment "An intent satisfied fully or partially by an economic event or commitment." 
  • 'settled by' rdfs:comment "References an economic event that fully or partially settles the claim." 
  • settles rdfs:comment "References a claim that is fully or partially settled by the economic event." 
  • stage rdfs:comment "The last stage the desired economic resource went through." 
  • state rdfs:comment "The state of the desired economic resource (pass or fail), after coming out of a test or review process." 
  • subject rdfs:comment "The subject of a relationship between 2 agents. For example, if Mary is a member of a group, then Mary is the subject." 
  • substitutable rdfs:comment "Defines if any resource of that type can be freely substituted for any other resource of that type when used, consumed, traded, etc." 
  • 'to resource inventoried as' rdfs:comment "Additional economic resource on the economic event when needed by the receiver. Used when a transfer or move, or sometimes other actions, requires explicitly identifying an economic resource on the receiving side." 
  • 'tracking identifier' rdfs:comment "Sometimes called serial number, used when each item must have a trackable identifier (like a computer). Could also be used for other unique tracking identifiers needed for resources." 
  • transfer-all-rights rdfs:comment "Give full (in the human realm) rights and responsibilities to another agent, without transferring physical custody." 
  • transfer-complete rdfs:comment "Give full rights and responsibilities plus physical custody." 
  • transfer-custody rdfs:comment "Give physical custody and control of a resource, without full accounting or ownership rights." 
  • 'triggered by' rdfs:comment "References an economic event that implied the claim or event, often based on a prior agreement." 
  • 'unit based' rdfs:comment "This proposal contains unit based quantities, which can be multipied to create commitments; commonly seen in a price list or e-commerce." 
  • 'unit of effort' rdfs:comment "The unit used for use or work or sometimes cite actions." 
  • 'unit of resource' rdfs:comment "The unit used for this resource in the recipe." 
  • uri rdfs:comment "The web address relevant to the entity." 
  • use rdfs:comment "For example a tool used in process; after the process, the tool still exists." 
  • work rdfs:comment "Labor power applied to a process."